Microbiological contamination of water in the Water Circulation System is a very common problem.  The presence of bacteria and other microorganisms causes biological contamination of systems, heat transfer processes deterioration, including the local types of corrosion under biofilms development, which in turn can lead to oil refinery significant economic losses and industrial safety risks.

The choice of suitable approaches to water treatment requires consideration of many affecting the efficiency of the process factors. First of all, reagents that exhibit the greatest spectrum of activity are selected, while maintaining stability in the required pH and temperature range. The speed of dissolution, the life of the reagent, the absence of negative impact on equipment and environment are also important.

The IFOTOP company has developed IFO Biocides, which effectively suppress the biological activity in the Water Circulation System, penetrate into biofilms when combined with bio-dispersants, providing comprehensive protection of the system. Our specialists will select biocidal complexes, included a full range of chemicals: from inclusive innovative developments to industry-proven solutions.

On the ifotop.ru you can find more detailed information about IFO biocidal complexes, as well as about other developed by IFOTOP reagents for oil refining and oil fields, metallurgy and energy industries.


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