IFOTOP company uses IFO test stands, as well as analytical monitoring express methods, to determine the biocidal complexes, biodispersants, corrosion and scale inhibitors effectiveness for Water Circulation System treatment.
For rapid determination of microbiological activity rate and volume
the following express methods are used:
– 3M Petrifilm or Merck Test Plates are rapid, sample-ready and accurate disposable microbiological analysis systems. The plates contain a nutrient medium, a cold water-soluble gelling agent and a dual-sensor technology that can count the number of microorganisms in the aqueous medium in just 48 hours. Rapid results and less labour input mean more time and resources for reagent performance monitoring, ensure process control and improve product quality.
– The HACH SRB BART test kits are another diagnostic tool that helps to determine the various bacteria presence and activity, including sulfur-reducing bacteria (SRB). SRB is one of the most dangerous agents for the Water Circulation System, since it causes corrosion, clogging, water pollution and increases hygiene risks.
Developed by IFOTOP company microbiological treatment systems ensure the oil and gas industry target requirements, which is proven by the results of express tests:

Test Plates 3M Petrifilm AC
SRB not more than 1 х 102 CFU/ml

Test kits HACH 24324-09 - SRB BART
SystemSure Plus or Lumitester Smart luminometers are used for rapid hygienic water monitoring. These systems measure the level of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which helps to determine pollution level, microorganisms presence and potential substrate for their growth.

SystemSure Plus luminometer

Lumitester Smart luminometer

The oxidizing biocide control in the Water Circulation Systems is carried out by our service specialists with HACH colorimeter — Colorimeter DR900. It is a portable water analyzer with more than 90 colorimetric parameters that is suitable for use even in the most difficult conditions.